The API also loads token-specific modules ( STDLLs) that provide the token-specific operations ( cryptographic operations, session management, and object management). 这个API还装入特定于令牌的模块(STDLL)来提供特定于令牌的操作(密码操作、会话管理和对象管理)。
This allows a long running exchange to use symmetric cryptographic operations to protect the messages during an established session. 这允许一个长时间运行的会话使用对称密码操作在一个已建立的会话期间保护消息。
This handshake produces the cryptographic parameters of the session. 此次握手将生成会话的加密参数。
The value of the cryptographic function cannot be compromised or modified without access to the session key. 如果无法访问会话密钥,则无法损害或修改该加密函数值。
Finally, my paper analyzes the securities of many cryptographic protocols, especially the identification authentication protocols and the session key establishment protocols, and finds that many protocols is insecure. 本文主要对身份认证协议和密钥建立协议进行了详细的分析,发现了许多协议是不安全的。
Cryptographic protocol was specified as the procedure of challenge and response using cryptography, not only to confirm the existence of other principals but also to negotiate about some data such as session keys. 提出安全协议本质上是协议主体利用密码学手段通过挑战-响应来对协议另一方的存在做出判断,并同时完成对一些数据例如会话密钥等的协商。
Security protocols are communication protocols that use cryptographic transformations and whose primary purpose is to achieve security related goals. These goals typically include the authentication of the communicating parties and the establishment of a secret session key. 安全协议是以密码学为基础的消息交换协议,其目的是在网络环境中提供各种安全服务,其中最基本的包括协议参与者身份的认证和参与者之间会话密钥的建立。